English Listening and Speaking Test – Class 6 (Day Shift)

This is for the kind information of the students of class 6 (day shift) that a listening test (English) will take place on 2 August 2021, insha’Allah. The details are:

  1. The test script will be from the English for Today textbook,
  2. The test will take place during class time on next wednesday, 02 August 2021,
  3. The students will get 5-7 minutes to look at the questions,
  4. Any other audio clip will be tested several times before actual test,
  5. The actual audio will be played once only,
  6. The students will get another 5- 10 minutes to transfer the answer in a script,
  7. Finally, the students will send the answer through WhatsApp,
  8. The mark (10 marks) of the listening test will be considered as a part of the half-yearly exam.
  9. In case of any problem, the test will be taken through WhatsApp group call instead of zoom.
  10. Students are kindly requested to keep backup internet option (wi-fi or mobile net) during the exam insha’Allah.
  11. Students are required to wear properly since video will be switched on during the exam.

Please also note that a speaking test will be held on Monday, 04 August 2021 during class time insha’Allah. The details are:

  1. There will be 3 parts of the test.
  2. At first, the students will greet and introduce themselves.
  3. Secondly, the teacher will ask a few general questions. So, this will be a dialogue.
  4. Finally, the teacher will provide a specific topic and the students will be given 1 minute to think and note down points. Then they will have to deliver their speech on the topic for 2 minutes. The teacher will ask one or two questions on the topic.
  5. Teacher will make call via WhatsApp with the following chronology: *Mutmayeen at 11.01 am
    *Anas at 11.09 am
    *Rayaan at 11.17 am
    *Abdullah at 11.25 am
    *Saad at 11.33 am
  6. The mark (10 marks) of the speaking test will be considered as a part of the half-yearly exam.
  7. Students are required to wear properly since video will be switched on during the exam.

Students are requested to prepare themselves for the tests insha’Allah.